
Sunday 22 August 2021

Δάγκωμα από Φίνα

 Εάν μας δαγκώσει κάποιο φίδι και δεν ξέρουμε αν είναι δηλητηριώδη, μπορούμε να κοιτάξουμε το σημείο του δαγκώματος, εάν το φίδι είναι μη δηλητηριώδες στο μέρος του δαγκώματος θα αφήσει μια κοκκινίλα σε σχήμα ρολογιού και το μόνο που πρέπει να κάνουμε είναι να απολυμάνουμε το μέρος αυτό. Εάν το φίδι που μας δάγκωσε είναι δηλητηριώδες, δηλαδή φίνα, θα δούμε στο σημείο του δαγκώματος μία ή δύο μικρές τρύπες όπως στην φωτογραφία.

Το συγκεκριμένο περιστατικό συνέβητε χθες 21/8/2021 σε ορεινή περιοχή. Ο ηλικιωμένος έκοβε σύκα όπου και δέχτηκε το αστραπιαίο δάγκωμα τις φίνας που προφανώς την πλησίασε πολύ ή την πάτησε. Το συμβάν έγινε κατά τις 5 το απόγευμα και μέχρι η ώρα 12 την νύχτα που μου έστειλε αυτή την φωτογραφία δεν είχε καθόλου πόνο ή πρήξιμο. Του εξήγησα ότι είναι από τους τυχερούς και ότι αν μετά από 7 ώρες δεν είχε συμπτώματα δεν πρόκειται να πάθει τίποτα και ότι το δάγκωμα που δέχτηκε είναι το λεγόμενο ξηρό δάγκωμα. Ξηρό δάγκωμα ονομάζετε το δάγκωμα όπου το φίδι δαγκώνει το θύμα του αλλά δεν διοχετεύει δηλητήριο. Απλά φάνηκε πολύ τυχερός και γλύτωσε από αρκετή ταλαιπωρία.

Γιώργος Κωνσταντίνου

Friday 13 August 2021

Bee-flies - Anthrax sticticus Klug, 1832 - Δίπτερα (Diptera) (fly) - Cyprus

 Anthrax is a genus of bombyliid flies, commonly known as "bee-flies" due to their resemblance to bees. Most are dull black flies, and are usually small to medium in size, 4–20 millimetres (0.2–0.8 in), and many species have striking wing patterns.

Anthrax is a very large genus. While worldwide in distribution, most species are from the Palaearctic and Afrotropic regions. The genus includes species parasitic on tiger beetles – an unusual trait among the bee-flies. A. anthrax larvae parasitize bees. Many North American species parasitize solitary wasps.

The type species is Musca morio Linnaeus, 1758, later found to be a misidentification of Musca anthrax Schrank

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Παρασιτική μύγα που παρασιτεί κυρίως σε προνύμφες μελισσών και σφηκών. Η συγκεκριμένη εκκολάφτηκε από προνύμφη σφήκας του είδους Sceliphron spirifex – Σφαλάντζι.

Photos George Konstantinou Xyliatos dam 13/8/2021

See also 

Asian mud-dauber wasp - Sceliphron curvatum (F. Smith, 1870) - First reported in Cyprus 11/7/2020

Tuesday 20 July 2021

Asian mud-dauber wasp - Sceliphron curvatum (F. Smith, 1870) - First reported in Cyprus 11/7/2020

 It was first reported in Cyprus 11/7/2020 by George Konstantinou at Xyliatos dam.
Family Sphecidae

Sceliphron curvatum, also known as the Asian mud-dauber wasp, is an insect in the genus Sceliphron of the wasp family Sphecidae. Like all wasps of this genus, it is a solitary species and builds nests out of mud. S. curvatum is native to some regions of Asia and invasive to Europe.

Sceliphron curvatum is 15 to 25 millimetres (0.6 to 1.0 in) long and is coloured black with yellow and red ornaments. It builds nests of mud on the walls of buildings, but also very often indoors on piles of books, clothes or pieces of furniture. Every nest is filled with paralyzed spiders, which serve as food for the larvae. Like all Sceliphron species, S. curvatum is not aggressive unless threatened.

Formerly, the species was distributed in India, Nepal, Pakistan, Kazakhstan and Tadjikistan in submontaneous regions at the highest mountain ranges of the world: Himalayas, Karakoram and Pami. It was first recorded in Europe in 1979, when a female was collected near the village of Grätsch in southeastern Austria. It is assumed that S. curvatum was introduced to Europe as a result of human activity, but after that the species has been spreading throughout Europe on its own. S. curvatum has been quickly enlarging its range, forming mighty populations in anthropogenous localities (towns, villages) in southern and central Europe. Since 1979 the species has expanded to several other European countries: Slovenia, Italy, Croatia, Switzerland, France, Hungary, Germany, Serbia, Montenegro, Greece, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Spain, Slovakia, Ukraine, Portugal, Poland, Romania аnd Bulgaria.

It has spread to North America. It was first reported in 2013, and it has spread to several states
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

See also  Sceliphron spirifex ((Linnaeus, 1758) - Σφαλάντζι - Cyprus

Photos and video at Xyliatos dam 7/2023 by George Konstantinou and Mike Hadjiconstantis

                                                Sceliphron  curvatum - Larvrae  parasites

See also 

Anthrax sticticus Klug, 1832 - Δίπτερα (Diptera) (fly) - Cyprus

Odalisque Damselfly - Epallage fatime (Charpentier, 1840) - Cyprus

See also - List of Odonata of Cyprus - (Dragonflies and Damselflies of Cyprus)

Epallage fatime, the Oriental damselfly, is a damselfly (Zygoptera) from the family of the Euphaeidae (oriental damselflies).


This is a strongly built damselfly, with a length of 40–50mm. Males are completely blue; only the top of the eyes and forehead are black. Females are yellowish white with dark markings. The abdomen segments have two long dark longitudinal spots on the top, giving the appearance of a narrow light stripe in the middle along the entire length of the abdomen. In specimens where the spots are smaller, this effect is less obvious.

It is the only damselfly in Europe to hold its wings straight out like a dragonfly. The length of the rear wing is 30–34mm. The pterostigma is long (the length of five cells below) and dark blue-grey in males, white or gray in females. In both males and females, the wing tip is usually dark from the pterostigma, but the size of that spot varies. In females, the base of the wings is often dark, but the size of that spot also shows great variation.


Both males and females are frequently seen resting on stones or branches near flowing water. The flight season in Cyprus in from early March to late August.


The species occurs in Southeastern Europe, in particular Bulgaria, Greece, the islands of the Aegean Sea, Cyprus, Turkey and Israel, and further east to Kashmir.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photos George Konstantinou 2021 Orkonta
