Battarrea phalloides is an inedible species of mushroom
in the family Agaricaceae
, and the type species
of the genus Battarrea. Known in the vernacular
as the scaley-stalked puffball, sandy stiltball, or desert stalked puffball, it has a woody, slender, and shaggy or scaly stem
that is typically up to 40 centimeters (15.7 in) in length. Although its general appearance resembles an agaric
with stem and gills
, atop the stem is a spore
sac, consisting of an peridium
and a powdery internal gleba
. In maturity, the spore sac ruptures to release the spores. Battarrea phalloides is found in dry, sandy locations throughout the world, and has been collected from Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, North America (primarily in western regions), and South America. There is currently some disagreement in the literature as to whether the European B. stevensii is the same species as B. phalloides.

Mature specimens of Battarrea phalloides roughly resemble the typical agaric
mushroom stature of stem and cap
. However, rather than a cap with gills
, this species has a spore sac atop the stem. When young, the fruit body
is roughly spherical and completely encased in an outer wall (exoperidium) that later splits in a circumscissile fashion (along a circular or equatorial line), the lower wall forming a volva and the upper part forming scales that cover the inner wall. The upper part rolls upward and backward and eventually falls away in one piece, exposing a spore sac lined with a narrow ring of capillitium
and spores
. The spores are sticky. As these are carried away by the wind, the drying action of the latter cause the edges of the peridium to shrivel and roll up more, exposing more spores. This is continued until the upper half of the peridium has shriveled and blown away and there remains only a few spores, which may be washed away by rain. Photos Nicosia, Agios Sozomenos, 3/11/2014 by George Konstantinou
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