Climate Ops is a collaborative documentary produced by ARTE and inviting all European citizens from 47 countries to speak up about their own little natural paradise, those natural places they have been growing with and they do not want to see affected or destroyed by the effects of climate change.
Hello I am George
Konstantinou and my country is Cyprus. For the past thirty years me and my
family we come and watch every year the turtles during their reproduction
period in the beaches of my country
Two species of sea turtles breed on the coasts of the island of Cyprus; the Green Turtle (Chelonia mydas) and the Loggerhead Sea Turtle (Caretta caretta). Both Green and Loggerhead Turtles have been declared, by the World Conservation Union (IUCN), as Endangered. In the Mediterranean Sea, the Green Turtle breeds almost exclusively on the coasts of Cyprus and Turkey. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle breeds, apart from the coasts of Cyprus and Turkey, also on the coasts of Greece and in small numbers on the coasts of eastern Mediterranean countries. Today, about 500-600 Green Turtles breed in the Mediterranean Sea, along with about 5,000-6,000 Loggerhead Sea Turtles.
In Cyprus today, the Green Sea Turtle breeds on the western coast of the island, at the Lara/Toxeftra coastal region, and at some beaches of the northern coasts of Cyprus and of the Karpasia peninsula. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle also lays eggs on the Lara/Toxeftra coastal region, but its main breeding sites are at the Polis/ Limni area of Chrysochou Bay.
Both Turtles breed every 2 to 5 year, between May and August. They lay their eggs at a depth between 50 and 80 centimetres in the sand of the beach, covering them well before returning to the sea. The eggs hatch after about 7 weeks, and the young turtles emerge from their nests during the night, heading immediately to the sea in order avoid predators and the heat of the day.
Because sea turtles use both marine and terrestrial habitats during their life cycles, the affects of climate change are likely to have a devastating impact on these endangered species. A rise in the sea level will impact sea turtle nesting beaches. Sea turtles return to to nest at the same site where they hatched, decades later. The Loggerhead Sea Turtle reaches sexual maturity at the age of 15 to 20 years old, while the Green Turtle at the age 25 to 30 years old. With melting polar ice caps and rising sea levels, these beaches are beginning to disappear. Higher temperature of the sand on the beaches where turtles lay eggs will also have a negative impact on their survival. The temperature of the sand determines the gender of the hatched turtles, with eggs on the warmer parts of the nest hatching into female turtles while eggs in the cooler parts of the nest become males. The rise of the temperature of the beaches will lead to more female than male hatchlings, thus significantly threatening genetic diversity. The rise in sea temperatures is also expected to negatively impact food resources for sea turtles, as also for virtually all marine species.

Το Arte είναι Γερμανογαλλικός τηλεοπτικός σταθμός με έδρα το Στρασβούργο. Ιδρύθηκε μετά από σύμβαση των δυο κρατών το1992. Το πρόγραμμά του θεωρείται υψηλού επιπέδου και τα θέματά του είναι πολιτικά και πολιτιστικά. Στόχος του είναι η προβολή Ευρωπαϊκών παραγωγών σε κινηματογράφο, ντοκιμαντέρ και σχόλιο., έχει μεγάλη επιρροή στη δημόσια γνώμη στις δυο χώρες.
Εκπέμπει και σε άλλες ευρωπαϊκές χώρες, στα Γαλλικά και στα Γερμανικά.Από τη Βικιπαίδεια
Arte (Association relative à la télévision européenne) is a Franco-German TV network, a European channel, that promotes programming in the areas of culture and the arts. It is made up of three separate companies: the Strasbourg-based European Economic Interest Grouping, Arte GEIE, plus two member companies acting as editorial and programme production centres, Arte France in Paris (France) and Arte Deutschland in Baden-Baden (Germany). As an international joint venture (an EEIG), its programmes cater technically to audiences from both France and Germany. This implies double-titling, opposite-language subtitling,dubbing, hosts who speak both languages alternately, and two separate audio tracks (through DVB-T, satellite television and digital cable).
Three-quarters of ARTE's programming are provided in equal proportion by the two member companies Arte France and Arte Deutschland while the remainder is being provided by Arte GEIE and the channel's European partners.
Arte France was formerly known as La Sept (La Société d'édition des programmes de télévision, but also a play on words, given that the name means the seventh (network) and La Sept existed while the fifth network was still La Cinq; it made satellite television programs at the time) and by ARTE Deutschland GmbH, a subsidiary of the two main public German TV networks ARD and ZDF.
Arte has also a radio web site, called Arte Radio.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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