Τα γνωστά φυτά (δέντρα) ξενιστές του είδους Anthaxia (Anthaxia) brevis είναι: Quercus sp., Pistacia sp., Rhus sp., Cotinus sp. και Fraxinus sp.
Τα ενήλικα του είδους, έχουν μέγεθος 4 - 6mm και πετούν από Μάρτιο μέχρι Άγουστο. Τρέφονται σε κίτρινα άνθη της οικογένειας Asteraceae (Compositae).
English: The adults of Anthaxia genus fed during the day with petals or flower pollen. Adults have an elongated shape and usually brightly colored carapace with metallic reflections. They lay there eggs in dead branches or trunks of woody plants.The larvae feed from the dead wood. When the larvae reach the final stage of development, transformed into nymphs within the wood. When adults emerge from the timber, a small hole remains on the branch surface.
The known host plants (trees) of the species Anthaxia (Anthaxia) brevis are: Quercus sp., Pistacia sp., Rhus sp., Cotinus sp. and Fraxinus sp. Adults size is 4 - 6mm and they fly from March to August. They feed on yellow flowers of the family Asteraceae (Compositae).
Info from and wikipedia, edited.
Photos at Skarinou 23/4/2016, by Michael Hadjiconstantis.
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