Cerianthus membranaceus is found on the seabed in shallow water in the Mediterranean Sea, the northern Adriatic Sea and the northeastern Atlantic Ocean, its range extending as far north as Britain. It occurs on sandy or silty substrates where its tube is buried vertically in the sediment. In the Mediterranean, it principally occurs in areas with high levels of organic matter, such as in zones of pollution off Marseille, where it is present at high densities throughout the year.
The tentacles of Cerianthus membranaceus do not retract, but the whole animal can retreat into its tube. As it does so, some of the tentacles grip the rim and pull the tube closed behind it, effectively making it disappear from view. The tube is normally a permanent home, but if the anemone is disturbed from below, as by a burrowing sea urchin, it can eject itself from its tube, move to a new location and secrete a new tube.
C. membranaceus feeds on small fish and planktonic organisms which it catches with its tentacles. It is a protandrous hermaphrodite, starting life as a male and becoming a female later. The gametes are liberated into the sea and after fertilisation, the developing larvae drift with the plankton for a long time before settling on the seabed and undergoing metamorphosis into juvenile polyps.
The tube is used as a refuge by many commensal organisms, especially polychaete worms and shrimps. The horseshoe worm, Phoronis australis, often attaches itself to the outside of the tube. There may be twenty to fifty horseshoe worms associated with one tube anemone.
The lifespan of C. membranaceus in the wild is not known, but some individuals have been occupants of a tank in Naples Aquarium for more than fifty years
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Underwater photo17mts deep,Protaras,08.05.2016 by Costas Constantinou
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