See also
List of non-marine molluscs of Cyprus - Freshwater snails and Land snails of Cyprus
All about Cyprus - Όλα για την Κύπρο

This slug has a yellow body with grey mottling, and pale blue tentacles. When extended, the body length can be 7.5 to 10 cm (3.0 to 3.9 in)
The yellow slug is common in Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland as well as most of southern and western Europe. It has been accidentally introduced in many other parts of the world.

Like all slugs, the yellow slug moves relatively slowly, gliding along using a series of muscular contractions on the underside of its foot, which is lubricated with mucus, such that it leaves a slime trail behind it.
This species feeds mostly on fungi, decaying matter,[6] and vegetables.
This species is strongly associated with human habitation, and is usually found in damp areas such as cellars, kitchens, and gardens or under stones. Generally speaking it is only seen at night, because it is nocturnal. Thus often it goes unnoticed and people are unaware of how (relatively) common the species is.
Parasites of Limax flavus include the nematode Angiostoma spiridonovi.
Photos and video by George Konstantinou
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