See also
Το κατεχόμενο χωριό Άγιος Γεώργιος (Άης Γιώρκης) Κερύνειας - Agios Georgios Village - Cyprus
Εκκλησία Άγιος Γεώργιος στο κατεχόμενο χωριό Άγιος Γεώργιος Κερύνειας - Agios Georgios Churche at Agios Georgios Village - Cyprus
Dwarf hippo and elephant fossils at Agios Georgios Keryneias Cyprus
Photos 8/5/20011 by George Konstantinou
Το ξωκλήσι-σπηλιά του Αγίου Φανουρίου.Βορειοδυτικά του χωριού, είναι η σπηλιά και το ξωκλήσι του Αγίου Φανουρίου.
Οι βράχοι γύρω και μπροστά στην είσοδο της σπηλιάς είναι γεμάτοι με τα απολιθωμένα οστά νάνων ιπποποτάμον και ελεφάντων.
Σε άλλες περιπτώσεις, τα απολιθώματα των ζώων αυτών αποδόθηκαν σε υπολείμματα δρακόντων, γι’ αυτό και προέκυψαν τοπωνύμια, όπως Δρακοντόσπηλιος, Δρακοντότρυπα, Δρακοντοβούναρο, η Σπηλιά του Δράκου.
The Cyprus dwarf hippopotamus or Cypriot pygmy hippopotamus (Hippopotamus minor) is an extinct species of hippopotamus that inhabited the island of Cyprus until the early Holocene.
Excavation sites on Cyprus, particularly Aetokremnos, provide evidence that the Cyprus dwarf hippo may have encountered and been driven to extinction by the early human residents of Cyprus.
A similar species of hippo, the Cretan dwarf hippopotamus (Hippopotamus creutzburgi) existed on the island of Crete, but became extinct during the Pleistocene.
Alternative name
Many scientists maintain the name Phanourios minor for the Cypriot dwarf hippo. This generic name was given by Paul Sondaar and Bert Boekschoten in 1972, based on the remains from Agios Georgios, Cyprus. At the site, a chapel had been built into the fossiliferous rocks. The rock strata here are very rich in bone content (bone breccia). For centuries, as already mentioned by Bordone in the 16th century, villagers have gone there to collect these bones, which in their opinion are holy, because they are the petrified remains of Saint Fanourios (see also Phanourios (saint)), a Greek Orthodox Saint who, according to local myth, had fled from Syria to escape his persecutors, but had been stranded on the hostile rocky coast of Cyprus. The collected bones are ground into a powder believed to have medicinal powers. To honour the local tradition and to refer to the site, Sondaar and Boekschoten named their new genus Phanourios, following the Greek spelling. They gave the specific name minutus, but this was later changed to minor following rules of priority.
Photo 26/8/20023 by Fani Konstantinou
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