See also
Ποιο πουλί είναι η περιβόητη πουρτάλλα; (Web TV) - Του Γιώργου Κωνσταντίνου - Εφημερίδα πολίτης 23/4/2018

The black-bellied sandgrouse is 33–39 cm (13–15 in) long and weighs 300–615 g (10.6–21.7 oz). The male has a grey head, neck, and breast. The underparts are black and the upperparts are golden-brown with darker markings. There is a thin black border around the lower breast, and a chestnut throat patch.
The female has browner, more finely marked upperparts, including the head and the breast. The underparts and breast band are identical to the male.
The eastern race is paler and heavier than orientalis. Males have yellower upperparts and greyer underparts than the western form. Females are whiter below, but often inseparable.
This sandgrouse has a small, pigeon like head and neck, but a stocky compact body. It has long pointed wings and a fast direct flight. The white underwings and black belly make this species easy to identify while in flight. Flocks fly to watering holes at dawn. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photos and videos Akrotiri 22/4/2015,Kormakitis 24/1/2015 by George Konstantinou
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