See also
Endemic subspecies of Cyprus
The European cat snake (Telescopus fallax), also known as the Soosan snake, is a venomous colubrid snake endemic to the Mediterranean and Caucasus regions. The snake is a venomous species, but it is considered no threat to humans because it is rear-fanged and does not possess the ability to deliver the venom to humans, It can and does, however, use the grooved fangs at the back of its upper jaw to inject venom sufficient to kill its principal prey. The European Cat Snake feeds mainly on geckos and lizards.

The European cat snake (Telescopus fallax), also known as the Soosan snake, is a venomous colubrid snake endemic to the Mediterranean and Caucasus regions. The snake is a venomous species, but it is considered no threat to humans because it is rear-fanged and does not possess the ability to deliver the venom to humans, It can and does, however, use the grooved fangs at the back of its upper jaw to inject venom sufficient to kill its principal prey. The European Cat Snake feeds mainly on geckos and lizards.
To kill its prey, the cat snake injects a sufficient amount of venom into its prey and will quite happily let its prey run away and die. The snake will just follow and find its prey by tasting the air around it and finding the path its dying prey took. It will then swallow the dead/paralyzed prey whole, headfirst. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Photos and videos Nicosia by George Konstantinou
Photos and videos Agios Sozomenos 6/2023 by George Konstantinou
Το παλικάρι μου με ένα Cat snake -Telescopus fallax cyprianus Ξυλόδροπης. Το ίδιο πάθος με μένα η ίδια αγάπη για την βιοποικιλότητα της πατρίδας μας.
Great pictures and in English we all need to read here in Cyprus