This species is widespread in central and southern Europe, temperate Asia, Africa, Australia and Oceania, and has also recently been confirmed to have successfully invaded Brazil. It is a migrant species, able to reach Scandinavia and other northern territories.
The female cotton bollworm can lay several hundred eggs, distributed on various parts of the plant. Under favourable conditions, the eggs can hatch into larvae within three days and the whole life cycle can be completed in just over a month.[5]
The eggs are spherical, 0.4 to 0.6 mm in diameter and have a costate surface. They are white, later becoming greenish.[4]
The larvae take 13 to 22 days to develop, reaching up to 40 mm long in the sixth instar. Their colouring is variable but mostly greenish and yellow to red-brown. The head is yellow with several spots. Three dark stripes extend along the dorsal side and one yellow light stripe is situated under the spiracles on the lateral side. The ventral parts of the larvae are pale. They are rather aggressive, occasionally carnivorous and may even cannibalise each other. If disturbed, they fall from the plant and curl up on the ground.
The pupae develop inside a silken cocoon over 10 to 15 days in soil at a depth of 4–10 centimetres (1.6–3.9 in), or in cotton bolls or maize ears
The cotton bollworm is a highly polyphagous species. The most important crop hosts are tomato, cotton, pigeon pea, chickpea, sorghum and cowpea. Other hosts include groundnut, okra, peas, field beans, soybeans, lucerne, Phaseolus spp., other Leguminosae, tobacco, potatoes, maize, flax, Dianthus,Rosa, Pelargonium, Chrysanthemum, Lavandula angustifolia, a number of fruit trees, forest trees and a range of vegetable crops. In Russia and adjacent countries, the larvae populate more than 120 plant species, favouring Solanum, Datura, Hyoscyamus, Atriplex and Amaranthus genera.
.From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Photos Fasouri, 23/11/2014 by George Konstantinou
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