See also
Προστατεύεται από την Σύμβαση της Βέρνης (Παράρτημα ΙIΙ)
Photos and video Koshi by George Konstantinou
Eumeces schneideri, commonly known as Schneider's skink or the Berber skink, is a species
of skink
to Central Asia
,Western Asia
, and North Africa
.Both the specific name
, schneideri, and one of the common names, Schneider's skink, are in honor of German
, Johann Gottlob Theaenus Schneider.

Head moderate; snout short, obtuse. Nasal rather large, usually divided, in contact with the two anterior upper
labials; no postnasal; 5 supraoculars, the three anterior in contact with the frontal; parietals entirely separated by the interparietal; 4 or 5 pairs of nuchals; ear-opening rather large, with 4 or 5 long pointed lobules anteriorly; 2 azygos postmentals. 22 to 28 scales round the middle of the body, perfectly smooth, the laterals smallest, those of the two median dorsal series very broad and larger than the ventrals. The length of the hind limb is contained 2.5 to 3 times in the length from
snout to vent. When pressed against the body, the limbs just meet or fail to meet. A series of transversely enlarged subcaudals.

Olive-grey or brownish above, uniform or with irregular golden-yellow spots or longitudinal streaks; a yellowish lateral streak, extending from below the eye to the hind limb, is constant; lower surfaces yellowish white.
Size: from snout to vent, 16.5 cm (6.5 inches); plus tail, 20 cm (8 inches) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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