Photos by George Konstantinou
See also

See also
The eight snakes of Cyprus - Τα οκτώ είδη φιδιών τις Κύπρου
The three frogs of Cyprus - Τα τρία είδη βατράχων της Κύπρου
Common chameleon or Mediterranean chameleon (Chamaeleo chamaeleon) (Linnaeus, 1758) Χαμαιλέων - Cyprus

Hello there, thanks for the excellent website. I was in Cyprus a couple of weeks ago - October 2019 - in the Kalavasos dam area, picking walnuts by the side of the road when I saw these tiny lizards, about 4-5 cm long, brownish with a red tip on the end of their tails. Are these likely to have been a juvenile of a common species, or have I come across a less common type of cyprus lizard? Thanks, Anton.